
I don't know about these tag things...

I don't mind sharing, but it seems like whenever I'm tagged I find myself realizing how uninteresting I am. To keep from boring everyone to death, I'll only be able to half-fill my obligation here:

Things I Did Today
  1. Tried to DIY this really cute paper lantern that I pictured in my head, it did NOT work out.
  2. Wondered why the hell I was trying to make a stupid paper lantern.

Things On My To-Do List

  1. Start on those thank-you cards.
  2. Make a tea sachet with left over wedding tea that I have pictured in my head, which will inevitably suffer the same fate as that aforementioned lantern.

Guilty Pleasures

  1. Jamba Juice - they totally screwed us over at our wedding (we placed a catering order for our guests pre-ceremony and they never showed up) and I should boycott them forever... but I don't think I can.
  2. Eating everything, and then wanting to eat everything else, and then wondering where the hell the dessert is.

Random Facts

  1. I was once able to toss a flag or a rifle for at least 2 full rotations from under a fanning leg move and catch it properly.
  2. At age 19 (I think?), I passed out condoms in a wedding gown on a very busy city street in a promotional event for Durex, and my mug got on several local newspapers including the front page headline of one.

Now who to tag... hmm... any volunteers?

1 comment:

  1. ffffffffffeh. thank you notes. I was so good. I did a whole bunch right when we got back from the honeymoon. But now I have fallen sorely behind :/
