
Personal Escorts

This is the DIY project that taught me the hard lesson of 'letting go'. You know, the one that makes you realize perfection was never in the cards? Let me introduce to you - our escort teabags.

Front of teabag has each guest's name, and front side of tag has our monogram.
To make it a little more personal, we came up with a unique nickname for each of our guest and wrote it on the back of the teabag in quotes. The back of the tag has the name of their respective table.
Sorting, checking and assembling:

To distinguish these tags from the faux-teabag tags from the wish bowl (yes I fully realize no one will notice), the corners were quarter punched with a single-hole punch.

There are all kinds of inconsistencies in the end products, but hey, they'll work. So my handwriting isn't great, nothing seems to be in alignment, the tags vary in size, and I even somehow managed randomized capitalization! At the end of the wedding, no one will remember their imperfections. And at the end of my craft day, though I had to settle for less than my vision, it was fun turning my idea into reality. As a bonus, our office now smell like yummy tea. What more could a DIY bridie ask for? :)


  1. I'll tell you over here, cuz it's roundabout...(the end of part 2 describes why i didn't give out F's name). Opposite of Dad's.
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