
I Fold

Since I purchased my dress so early in the game (3 months into the 21 months engagement), I never had the chance to consider what I would want in a dream dress. Now that Zelda and I are developing a better rapport, I think it's safe to indulge in a bit of fantasy that may behoove this whole bridal experience.

Wedding dresses showcase such a huge variety of details, and I love so many of them! But if I must select only one to speak for me, folds will be my pick. Lines and gathers and pleats, oh those glorious pleats! So clean yet carries complexity, so simple while oozing sophistication, so defined but with ease, and just so so so lovely...

This Priscilla Of Boston number is the kind of sexy I wish I can be:
Too romantic to be me but this one from Lazarobridal is just too pretty:
I'd rock these two bridesmaid dresses as a bride in a heartbeat.
From Alvina Valenta:
and this one by Jim Hjelm:

I can never pull of the softness but this from LuciDiBella makes me wanna bathe in Downy:
Here are three from Saison Blanche, and I'm:
1. digging that funky loopy loop
2. drooling over the pleats at the bottom
3. dreaming of lines... and more lines

This from Watters looks fun, and I sooo wish I had cool straps...
And no words need to precede this Vera Wang:


  1. helloooooo? I'm looking for my friend Dubbs.

  2. @ ESB: she's in da back, you want me to get her? i think she's still dreaming, she don't do it often, but i think all the mini heart attacks she's been getting each time she looks at the calendar is wearing on her... can we let her feeneesh?

  3. Aaw. DIY bridie needs a break.

    When is the big day (dare I ask)?

  4. Ok, here is the deal. I LOVE the first one, and honestly, it remindes me, in spirit of Zelda. So there you have it.

    The other ones I feel ehhh about.

  5. alright y'all, now i gotta put in my disclaimer

    none of these would really be my dream dress, i'm just saying i like folds done in some of these example. and in real life i am as BLAND as they come, like i'd straight up disappear if i stand too still against a wall. i'm given entirely too much credit here if you were expecting more outta this simple simple girl!
